
What does a dietitian do for weight loss?


For the best quality of your life, it is important to maintain or achieve a healthy weight. A dietitian can help you lose weight and increase your independence.

A dietitian is a nutritionist who has completed formal qualifications. Essentially, almost anyone can work as a nutritionist, so it’s important to check the experience and qualifications of any nutritionists who are offering diet advice. Nonetheless, dietitians and nutritionists can help you perform better and lower your risk of developing many chronic illnesses, including mental disorders.

People with disabilities may have additional difficulties in implementing healthy behaviors. We’ll discuss this further below. Dietitians can help you lose weight quickly and safely by using evidence-based weight loss methods.

A dietitian can help you lose weight

Sometimes weight loss is portrayed as a simple matter of eating less calories or following a proven method. But losing extra weight is not as simple as that. There’s no one size fits all solution.

Weight loss is more than just what you eat. This involves making lifestyle changes and changing your diet. If you use food to combat stress or boredom, then you will need to look for new ways to do this. Anybody who has tried to change a bad habit knows how difficult it can be.

A qualified dietitian can help you with this. Dietitians, tertiary-qualified healthcare professionals are trained to assist people with a variety of issues related to nutrition and diet.

They can help you create a healthy and nutritious eating plan. Recent research shows that dietitians can help you change your behaviour to lose weight, improve blood glucose levels and reduce the need for prescription medications.

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Active Ability’s qualified dietitians are skilled in supporting people with disabilities to improve their health and well-being, including weight loss. They can provide tailored advice and individualized eating plans that will suit your goals and needs.

The following are some ways dietitians can help you lose weight:

Assess your current nutrition and health needs

An assessment will be done by a dietitian. This includes reviewing your medical history, reviewing current weight, and checking the results of tests (such as blood glucose and cholesterol levels), and assessing your dietary preferences, dietary needs, and activity levels.

Setting goals

With this information, they will work with you (and any support person if necessary) to set realistic goals for weight loss.

How to make a weight loss program

Your dietitian will help you create a personalized eating plan to meet your health and nutritional needs. They will consider things such as food allergies or sensitivities, and your personal preferences like vegetarian or culturally acceptable options.

Support and monitoring

A lasting change in your eating habits and food choices is key to successful weight loss. Counselling from a dietitian will help you stay on track and maintain a healthy weight. They can help you manage situations such as eating out, parties, temptations, and find healthier options to your favorite snacks.

Training support workers

It is important that your support staff understand your weight loss goals. Your dietitian will train your support staff to prepare healthy, delicious meals that are in line with your weight loss goals.

How can a dietitian assist with weight loss?

No matter your diagnosis or condition, a dietitian can help with weight loss. Active Ability’s dietitians assist NDIS clients with complex needs and a variety of conditions to maintain and achieve a healthy weight.

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We support people who are:

Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and cerebral palsy are all neurological conditions.

Intellectual disability includes Down syndrome, Prader Wili syndrome, Williams Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), developmental delay Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, Fragile X and many more.

Mental health conditions include depression, anxiety and psychotic illnesses.