
What is a “Second Skin Bandage”?


It does exactly what its name suggests. Once a tattoo has been completed, a second skin bandage can be applied. This is a flexible adhesive plastic layer that covers a new tattoo as a second layer. These are easier to use and more durable than traditional wrapping methods like household saran wrap. Although there are many brands on the market, they all work in the same way. These bandages are waterproof, and can be worn in the rain but not submerged.

Tattooing is becoming increasingly sophisticated. Since its origins in ancient cultures, tattooing has seen tremendous changes. Tattooing has seen incredible growth in recent years. Everything, from the inks used by tattoo artists to the machines and needles used, to standards of cleanliness and aftercare. A’second skin’ wrapage is one of the most important advances in aftercare.

What is the Secret Second Skin Bandage to Their Success?

The bandage will remain in place until it is removed. This depends on whether the artist has given specific instructions, visited a shop or applied the bandage. Your new tattoo will remain protected against bacteria and contaminants for the duration. You can also avoid it from being rubbed against linens or towels. This type of bandage is usually faster to heal. It helps to preserve the body’s natural healing process secondary schools and prevents the tattoos from drying out. These bandages are usually transparent so that you can see the progress of your tattoo. It is normal for ink and blood to pool beneath the bandage. It does not necessarily mean your tattoo is “falling out”, it’s simply residual ink or extra ink that the body naturally produces in the form plasma.

How are they applied?

The tattoo artist will clean and scrub the tattoo. The size of the tattoo and the part it’s on will determine how much bandage is needed. There are two sides to most bandages: one side is sticky and the other is sanitary. This is to prevent the bandage from sticking to the skin. It is applied over the tattoo to ensure it is secure and free from large bubbles. The rigid backing of the bandage is then removed so that the non-sticky side can be seen.

How can they be Second Skin Bandage Removed?

The bandages should be removed after a while. Start the process with clean hands. Start by locating an area that can be easily removed and then begin to peel at a slight angle. Do not peel too fast as you could damage the skin beneath. You can take the bandage off in a warm shower if it is not easy to remove. After the second passport bandage is removed, you can wash it with a non-scented antibacterial soap and warm water. Then you can apply a little non-scented moisturizer. To avoid irritation, wash the tattoo in warm water and not hot.


  • Sanitary
  • Protects tattoos from bacteria, germs and rubbing on clothing or other fabrics
  • Protects clothing and other fabrics against tattoo leakage
  • Often heals tattoos faster
  • Breathable
  • Aftercare simplified
  • Flexible and comfortable
  • Waterproof


  • People with skin sensitivities may not second career tips recommend this product.
  • Avoid adhesives if you are allergic to them.
  • It may be a bit painful to take off.